Hot Take: Outside of extremely specific technical jobs, 90% of the white collar work force is basically lying about how hard their job is, which is why imposter syndrome is even a thing, because people have trouble accepting "Oh, literally any person can figure this out"

an underdiscussed aspect of modern capitalism is that most low-wage jobs tightly regulate what you're doing at all times while you're on the clock and most high-wage jobs consist of hours of unstructured time in front of the computer during which you can do whatever

In her new book, Emily Guendelsberger portrays America’s working class as quivering in stress and fear, hurting from torn-up feet, and all covered in honey mustard.

Workers at one Amazon warehouse were previously offered several different shift options.
Now that it's closing, they're only being offered one at a new facility from 1:20am to 11:50am, called the "megacycle."

Shoutout to DoorDash drivers - they’ve created and maintain a movement to decline all low paying offers, knowing it’ll help bring the pay algorithm up.
Their group of 26,000 drivers educates new drivers who typically accept every low paying offer they receive (1 of 2)

workers: hey, please pay us more, the amount of hours we need to drive to make a living is crazy, we can barely stay awake
capitalism: alarm clock hat

Business Insider @businessinsider
*What is this tweet storyboard?
I wrote about the above for the Globe + Mail. 👇
⏰ Perhaps policymakers should get on the clock, too.
Vass Bednar is the Executive Director of McMaster University’s new Master of Public Policy in Digital Society Program.