I agree with the mechanism - this is as good an area for a Royal Commission as any right now β€” I just think the use of the word β€˜immediate’ is misleading, or optimistic. Once called, it will take 6-12 months to get up and running; and likely 24+ months to report. We will have been through, officially, another recession by then. And possibly a change of federal government. Then the new government - if it is led by PP - will dismiss or ignore most of the findings and blame it on Justinflation, non?

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Great points on timing and the possible recession - I think that adds to the urgency of getting the scaffolding together for something like this. If you look at the past examples, they seemed depoliticized to me. I think it has cross-party appeal. Everyone wants businesses to thrive while consumers get decent price options, no?

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β€œWhen plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”

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Theoretically, for sure. I’m just not sure about PP’s approach to the world. But I agree they have a life of their own and tend not to be completely disregarded once the work is completed.

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I think it could give consumers peace of mind. We have seen a lot of mistrust and resentment persist, alongside more complex accounting of "it's not so simple." How to put everything to rest, with the best information?

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