I'm really enjoying your ongoing exploration of the Loblaws labyrinth, thank you!
I almost prefer to think of Loblaws as a media company rather than a technology company, as the latter is generally an engine for the former. Similarly attention and personal information are monetized by the media industry, and certainly FB and Alphabet make the majority of their revenues from their media business (that is enabled by their technology platforms). Finally the media industry is what it is because it is both a massive source of power (for their owners) and a literal pillar of the (perceived) state. Hence Loblaws as media company helps us focus on why Loblaws may be too powerful for our modest democracy.
I'm really enjoying your ongoing exploration of the Loblaws labyrinth, thank you!
I almost prefer to think of Loblaws as a media company rather than a technology company, as the latter is generally an engine for the former. Similarly attention and personal information are monetized by the media industry, and certainly FB and Alphabet make the majority of their revenues from their media business (that is enabled by their technology platforms). Finally the media industry is what it is because it is both a massive source of power (for their owners) and a literal pillar of the (perceived) state. Hence Loblaws as media company helps us focus on why Loblaws may be too powerful for our modest democracy.